Sunday, March 06, 2011

Two, with the Sunday Creative

If you follow some blogs on a regular basis you might understand how this happens.  You follow one link to another blog and so on and and an hour later you find yourself lost in some wonderful place out in the interwebs.

Well, for some reason I took one of those trips this morning and I was inspired to be part of this Sunday Creative over at Madeline Bea blog.

 I loved using a writing prompt when I took a creative writing class with Jane Penland a few years ago.  And for whatever reason I was inspired this morning. So, here it is.  I wrote it in about 5 minutes. It felt good.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

If I wait just a little longer....

It will have been exactly one year since my last post.  Wow. All the things that have happened in this year...

So, the big decision - do I start all over or just pick up from here and keep working on this blog?

I guess now I am ready to actually let some people know that I have this thing and post to it even though it's not perfect. I realized lately how much I put on hold because it's not perfect or the way I want it presented to the world.  But I really just end up missing out.

Well, one thing I decided to go for this year is the Georgia Organics Conference in Savannah, GA next week. I have been wanting to go for the past few years I just decided I HAVE to go this year.

I have been researching this event like I am invading a foreign country! I am reading up on articles and papers written by presenters, plotting out workshop attendance and ranking vendors I want to visit.  I think I am more than a little excted.  One thing I want(ed) to accomplish for this conference was some new business cards and a snazzy resume.  I have been trying to tackle this project for a few weeks, but I am little stumped. I don't know how to describe myself right now and I don't really know what angle to take with my resume.

Any advice from my wise friends? How would you describe me and my passions to someone you think should hire me?

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

This is a great post about all of the benefits of companion planting.  It is written by Am over at Progressive Pioneer and posted at a great new-to-me blog of Simple Organic.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010